GUADEC 2005 Schedule

A printer-friendly version of this schedule is available here.

Sunday, 29th May

GNOME Developer Conference, Day One

Note that Bertha, Karlsruhe, Mannheim and Reutlingen are room names at the Haus der Wirtschaft, in Stuttgart.

  Bertha Karlsruhe Mannheim Reutlingen
08:30-09:30 R E G I S T R A T I O N
09:30-11:00 W E L C O M E - Dr. Walter Rogg, Timothy Ney & Owen Taylor
11:00-12:00 The Eclipse IDE and you, Andrew Overholt & Ben Konrath The Future of, Keith Packard Pitivi, Edward Hervey EPlugin, Harish Krishnaswamy
12:00-13:00 Cairo, Owen Taylor Remotely Useful? VNC for GNOME, Mark McLoughlin Xiph, Ralph Giles PyGTK and libglade, Martin Grimme
13:00-14:00 L U N C H
14:00-15:00 K E Y N O T E - Miguel de Icaza, Novell
15:00-16:00 SELinux and GNOME, Colin Walters Localized Free Desktop, Danilo Segan GStreamer 0.10, Wim Taymans GNOME in Bangalore, Parag Goel
16:00-17:00 Gargantuan Tickling Killer Monkeys, a GTK#/Mono tutorial, Federico Mena Quintero Writing about GNOME, Matthias Warkus Annodex, Conrad Parker How To Get More Users of GNOME?, Fernando San Martin Woerner
17:00-18:00 Optimal GNOME Programming, Robert Love LTSP, Jim McQuillan Dirac, Thomas Davies & Anuradha Suraparaju Cultivating Third World Developers, Germán Poó Caamaño
Please note, that this schedule is not final, and very likely to change right up to the conference. We deeply apologise for the inconvenience this causes.

Monday, 30th May

GNOME Developer Conference, Day Two

  Bertha Karlsruhe Mannheim Reutlingen Studio A
09:30-10:30 K E Y N O T E - Mark Shuttleworth, Canonical, Ltd.
10:30-11:30 Interface Stability..., Ed Hunter, John Plocher & Joe Kowalski Eclipse, Java-GNOME, and GCJ, Ben Konrath & Andrew Cowie A Better Future through Panel Applets, Davyd Madeley Power Management in GNOME, Matthew Garrett What's New in GTK+, Matthias Clasen
11:30-12:30 Lightning Talks, MC. Nat Friedman Windows Migration Study, Anna Dirks & Peter Goodall Advanced Unit Testing, Stefan Kost & Thomas Wabner How to Contribute to GNOME, Part 1, Fernando Herrera
12:30-14:00 L U N C H
14:00-15:00 Project Topaz, Planning for 3.0, Jeff Waugh How to Contribute to GNOME, Part 2, Fernando Herrera
15:00-16:00 Freeform Sessions, MC. Jeff Waugh
16:00-17:00 GNOME Foundation AGM
17:00-18:00 Freeform Group Session, TBA
19:00-Late! G U A D E C P A R T Y
Please note, that this schedule is not final, and very likely to change right up to the conference. We deeply apologise for the inconvenience this causes.

Tuesday, 31th May

GNOME User & Business Day

  König-Karl-Halle Bertha Mannheim Reutlingen
08:30-09:30 R E G I S T R A T I O N
09:00-09:30 GNOME User & Business Day, Opening Remarks
09:30-10:30 K E Y N O T E - Dan Kusnetzky, IDC
10:30-12:00 Interoperability, Standards and Open Source, Barbara Held Linux Desktop Migration, Horst Braeuner, Bernhard Schuler & Thomas Uhl GNOME Meeting - VoIP, Damien Sandras Digital Photography in GNOME, Hubert Figuière
12:00-13:00 L U N C H
13:00-14:00 K E Y N O T E - Nathan Wilson, Dreamworks Animation
14:00-15:00 Nokia and Open Source, Yannick Pellet and Carlos Guerreiro. Software Patents in Europe, François Pellegrini Public Sector Desktops, Franz Preis, Linux Kommunale GNOME Deployment/Development in Brazil, Marcus Mazoni
15:00-16:00 Creating Jobs: Open Source & Economic Development, Scott Kveton, Hans-Ulrich Schmid & Katy Huang Running large student projects on Free and Open Source Software, Prof. Bernd Brügge Flumotion, Thomas Vander Stichele Beagle, Jon Trowbridge
16:00-17:30 101 Things to Know about GNOME, Glynn Foster OpenOffice 2 & StarOffice 8, Falko Tesch Enterprise Desktop, A User/Developer Dialog, Greg Kelleher Masters Education at European Universities, Dr. Cornelia Boldyreff, François Pellegrini, David Megías & Anne Østergaard
17:30-18:00 Goodbye GUADEC, It's Back To Work!, MC. Leslie Proctor
Please note, that this schedule is not final, and very likely to change right up to the conference. We deeply apologise for the inconvenience this causes.

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